UK Area Codes and Phone Number Information

Channel Islands, Isle of Man and Northern Ireland

How to phone Guernsey from the UK

Guernsey uses the same phone numbering system as the United Kingdom, so no special international code is needed.

Landline phone numbers in Guernsey, Alderney and Sark use area code 01481.

Note: many UK phone companies charge a higher rate for calls to Guernsey and do not include such calls in inclusive minutes or free calls deals.

How to phone Jersey from the UK

Jersey uses the same phone numbering system as the United Kingdom, so no special international code is needed.

Landline phone numbers in Jersey use area code 01534.

Note: many UK phone companies charge a higher rate for calls to Jersey and do not include such calls in inclusive minutes or free calls deals.

How to phone the Isle of Man from the UK

The Isle of Man uses the same phone numbering system as the United Kingdom, so no special international code is needed.

Landline phone numbers in the Isle of Man use area code 01624.

Note: some UK phone companies charge a higher rate for calls to the Isle of Man and might not include such calls in inclusive minutes or free calls deals.

How to phone Northern Ireland from the UK mainland

Northern Ireland uses the same phone numbering system as the rest of the United Kingdom, so no special international code is needed.

Landline phone numbers in Northern Ireland use area code 028.
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